Submit your music to J-ES-ON

Thank you for your interest in submitting a music to J-ES-ON.

Guaranteed Listen

J-ES-ON requires a submission fee of $5. When you pay this fee, DropTrack guarantees that J-ES-ON will actually listen to your song(s). If they don’t listen within 7 days, you get your money back.

Premium Submissions on DropTrack see a significantly higher response rate than standard submissions. Industry contacts respond quickly, provide feedback, and actually listen to your music! Even if they don't sign or share your track, sending a Premium Submission means you'll gain valuable insight why. Guaranteed Listen is only available for tracks hosted on DropTrack. Soundcloud or Spotify tracks are not eligible.

J-ES-ON accepts music via DropTrack, please sign up or login below.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a music to J-ES-ON.

Guaranteed Listen

J-ES-ON requires a submission fee of $5. When you pay this fee, DropTrack guarantees that J-ES-ON will actually listen to your song(s). If they don’t listen within 7 days, you get your money back.

Premium Submissions on DropTrack see a significantly higher response rate than standard submissions. Industry contacts respond quickly, provide feedback, and actually listen to your music! Even if they don't sign or share your track, sending a Premium Submission means you'll gain valuable insight why. Guaranteed Listen is only available for tracks hosted on DropTrack. Soundcloud or Spotify tracks are not eligible.

Note: Only individual Spotify tracks are accepted at this time, not albums. Please be sure to copy the correct track URL.

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